Tuesday, October 07, 2008

and so what a whirld it has been or, Whatever Happened to Captian Dreadlocks

And so a lot of time has transpired since my last entry and an entire lifetime seems to have gone before my eyes.

This is the shortened easy listening version, because life is short, life goes on and i don't want to lose a lot of time catching up.

Captian Dreadlocks and I got I got sexually involved. Who know you could chip a tooth on a Prince Albert piercing and that dental insurance wouldn't cover it.

This is while he was still dating and afianced to the DR. to be. And dating the incredibly exotic and beautiful asian girl with the pink hair, that I called Princess Pink hair. And while he was dating the beautiful bartender/student that had the psychiatric problems.

He and Princess Pink Hair were virtually living at my house and her constant prescence made me feel as though I was a guest at her house.

He introduced me to the joy and fun of the stemfast diet. Yes, crack. Four months of almost daily smoking.

I got fed up.

So did the fiancee and she confronted the other girls at my house one dark winter's evening.

She was gone from the picture.

Just up and left.

I decided enough was enough and went out and applied for a few more jobs in my field, because at this point, my income was the sole support. I stopped recreational usage. I got more and more disgusted at the turn of events. I was still very much in love however.

One night Captain Dreadlocks called and said he was borrowing my car to get a gallon of gas for his as he was stuck on the side of the road. Rather than waste sleep time arguing, i said, whatever, rolled over and went back to sleep.

4 hours later Captain Dreadlocks calls me from the emergency room I work at, telling me that whilst he had my vehicle he was stabbed 8 times in it and was lucky to be alive. They had aimed for his neck. If they had hit right on, someone else would have been making the call. He instinctively drew up his knees and deflected the killing blow.

My vehicle was on the noon news. It was the top story. It was full of blood. It was impounded by the police. There was a 1/4 of blood in the drink holders. I am sure a vampire would have loved the convenience. I did not.

He was released from the hospital later that day and when i finished up working at 3 of my jobs that day i found him recuperating on my downstairs couch. He was not stitched up and was bleeding, oh, just about everywhere. Thank goodness the couch was absorbent, or he might have drowned.

I paid the 175$ to get my car out of impound and contacted the insurance about a clean up.

I was shit scared, because whoever tried to kill him might come to the house to finish things off. My blood was running cold as ice water. I was in a constant panic and shake. Of course the alcohol abuse didn't help things either.

Two days later, the first day of Spring, my best friends staged an intervention on my behalf and tossed Captain Dreadlocks out of my house. He said he didn't have gas. One of them kindly had sent their husband to get a gallon, forseeing just such a situation.

I still loved him with all of my heart. He still professed and extreme affection for me.

One of my friend's husband was a captain in the local police. He and another officer escorted Captain Dreadlocks out of my life.

Time rolled on.

We talked occasionally. He came for his things, with police supervision.

He healed.

He broke his habit.

He got a job.

He got a new girlfriend.

He died in a terrible car accident 6 weeks after leaving my home.

Captian Dreadlocks was evicted from a car at a high rate of speed. He landed on his chest. His aorta was torn open and he died almost instantly.

We had patched things up. There was no hard feelings on anyone's part. I told him I loved him dearly but couldn't live that way anymore. He understood. At the end we were on the road to friends again as we had been originally.

I really did and do love him with all my heart.

One night I was driving near where he had his accident. I rolled down the window and called his name out 3 times as you are supposed to do to talk to the dead.

When I got home, written in the velour of the passenger side door panel in 3 inch high letters was the word "HI".

Since the car had been professionally cleaned of his blood there had been no passenger on that side of the vehicle. No one had opened that door. No one had been near that area of the car. And the word had not been there before. I took pictures and posted them on another site.

And life, being for the living goes on.

Captain Dreadlocks, wherever you may be, I love you with all my heart as I have never loved anyone else. Before all went as it did, you gave me a gift of esteem, hope and optimism.



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