Sunday, November 13, 2005


Let's talk about religion for a moment shall we. Religion is one of the subjects they warn friends not to discuss. That is probably because they may end up killing each other during the discussion.

Has there ever been a more legitimized excuse for wholesale slaughter than religion?

"My God is better than your God! Na na na na na na"

What is this nonsense and what makes us mush minded humans buy into it so easily? Is it mob mentality? Is it wanting to belong? Is it realizing that none of us is any better than the other and we want to bring up our feelings of self worth by saying our God is better?

From the beginning of time man has done extremely cruel and mean things to each other in the name of God and religion. When will it stop?

Let us take a moment to try and conceive of how many humans have perished in the name of God. Then let us assess if it was worth it.

Human sacrifice takes place before recorded history is documented. In many cases a warring tribe eradicates another and kills their survivors in thanks to their God granting them victory. Human blood is spilt to ensure a hearty crop. The west coast tribes of South America draw pictures showing their flayed and conquered displayed to appease the Gods. Sacrifices are tossed into the volcanoes of the South Sea islands. Virgins are sacrificed in Europe to see what the Gods have in store for them. In Africa, laughing sickness comes from the ritual consumption of too many human brains. In South America heads are shrunk. Aztecs rip out hearts to assure corn growth. These are multitudes which we cannot begin to assess.

And we move into more modern times, where the Romans in their spectacles feed Christians to the lions, where the Crusades consume thousands because the Mohammedan Infidels have over taken the Holy Land and that puts a bug up the Christians asses. And let us not forget the saints, most of whom were martyred for their cause. And that takes us to missionaries that slaughtered the indigenous tribes who just didn't get the the concept that "OUR GOD IS BETTER THAN YOUR GOD.......Na na na na na na." And this is now counting the dead humans into the millions.

So keeping on the reigious persecution theme let us whiz over to the INQUISITION. Yes, no one expects the Inquisition. Ha ha. Where Catholics killed Jews because.......Well, just because. I guess it was fashionable. And on to Emerald Isle, where Irish Catholics and Irish Protestants kill each other off because......well, again, just because. And now we go to Germany, land of beer and ovens, where 6 million more are added to our totals because they were Jewish, and back to America where gathering to see a witch burn is a community calendar event.

And moving into more present day, the Holy Jihad pits Muslims against Christians once more in the middle east, where they seem to have grown a little weary of slaughtering Isrealites and realized that the Christians have been neglected since the Crusades, it must be their turn again, so lets take things to America where there are so many Red States we're bound to be able to stir them into retaliation, to prove once again that "OUR GOD IS BETTER THAN YOUR GOD........NA Na na na na na!" And the World Trade Centers and a few planes up the religious casualty totals once more.

When is this madness going to stop? When will we tell God (if he does in fact exist) enough is enough, we will not shed blood for you in this argument any longer. If you created us, then we have more intrinsic value than to be wasted in a GUESS WHO BLED FOR ME contest between factions worshipping what for all intents and purposes may be the same God under different names.

Praise GOD and Pass the ammunition!

Grow up people!


Blogger psyvhicjack said...

GreatJopb with that.
YOUR ARE 100% Right.
I agree with you

4:08 PM  

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